How to Prevent Condensation – A Landlord’s Guide

As a landlord, maintaining your property in top condition is paramount.  It’s your investment and your tenant’s home. At this time of year, condensation can be an issue. And it can cause mould in your property if ignored. The good news is we’re sharing six steps you can take to prevent these problems before they […]

Making a difference to your property: Tips from Energy Saving Week

Energy Saving Week was held in mid-January as a campaign encouraging UK households to become more aware of their energy use.  It’s an annual campaign started in 2012 by the Citizens Advice Bureau and government departments. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to get more energy-smart, financially savvy and planet-friendly. Start […]

Turning Over a New Leaf: Five Realistic Resolutions for 2024

The striking of Big Ben at midnight on 1st January ushers in a new year and inspires many to commit to positive life changes.  Yes, we know for many people, the New Year, New You theme has you switching off immediately.  But for many others, the dawn of 2024 marks a chance for a fresh […]

Lettings Trends: What Can Landlords Expect in 2024?

There’s no doubt that 2023 was challenging for the private rental sector, but looking ahead, landlords have plenty of reasons to be cheerful. While no one knows precisely what will happen in 2024, economists believe interest rates and inflation have peaked, and that the economy will continue to rally.  Here’s an idea of what forecasters […]

The Simple Way to Help Safeguard Your Property from Fraudsters

The expression ‘safe as houses’ has been used for almost two centuries to describe something that is rock-solid and risk-free. But thanks to the elaborate efforts of a small but growing number of fraudsters, not even property is as safe as you think. Since the pandemic, there’s been a steady increase in what’s known as […]

From Interiors to Gardens: Seven Podcasts You Shouldn’t Miss

Here we look at seven podcasts to give you some ideas and inspiration for creating your ideal home. We’re becoming a nation who are passionate about podcasts. Podcast listenership in the UK has been increasing yearly, reaching an estimated 21.2 million listeners in 2022 according to the Statista website. From relationships to Russia, history to […]

Ready for Anything: The Landlord’s Emergency Checklist

As any experienced letting agent or landlord can advise you, ‘expect the unexpected’ when it comes to rental properties. And that’s why it pays to follow the Scouts’ motto and “be prepared”. Being prepared for any eventuality can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown catastrophe if you’re a landlord.  With that […]

Seven Ways to Prepare Your Rental for Winter

Forecasters predict this winter will be cold and dry – making it likely we’ll get lots of snow.  While this is excellent news if you’re a skier, if you’re a landlord, it means there’s no room for complacency when it comes to maintenance and repairs. Freezing temperatures can cause all sorts of property damage, so […]

Five Ways to Survive the Festive Season without Burning Out

It’s supposedly ‘the season to be jolly’, a once-a-year chance to experience comfort and joy with your nearest and dearest. But many people (51% of women and 35% of men, to be precise*) find the Christmas period stressful. The reasons for this anxiety can include the pressure to socialise, the strain of hosting family and […]