What Keeps Landlords Awake at Night? The Number One Lettings Challenge Revealed

One issue, above all else, causes landlords sleepless nights. Can you guess what it is? Could it be maintenance and repairs? Or maybe it’s worrying about the rent being paid on time? If you answered one of the above, thanks for playing, but you’re mistaken. The biggest challenge landlords currently face is abiding by government […]

FAO Landlords: How to Weed Out Garden-Related Problems

Gardens can boost a rental property’s appeal, often making it more attractive to potential tenants – especially during May, as spring is here and summer is around the corner. But, as beneficial as they may be, gardens can also be a source of friction between landlords and tenants, particularly when it comes to maintenance responsibilities. […]

What Makes a Property a Good Investment?

There are five fundamentals to consider when thinking of buying a rental property. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or taking your first step into the rental property market, make sure you understand what makes a place a good investment. Here are five points to consider carefully: 1) Location, location, location The age-old mantra is as […]

Inherited a Rental Property? Here Are Your Options

If you’ve just inherited a rental property, then you may be wondering what your options are. While you won’t need to make any decisions on the spot (it usually takes many months to settle an estate), it’s good to start thinking about the issues you’ll have to address in time. The first is what you […]

A Landlord’s Guide to Property Improvements

Some landlords, actually many, have an ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach to their rental property’s upkeep. But by proactively refurbishing and modernising your rental properties, you can realise a host of benefits that will attract premium tenants and add long-term value to your investment. Here are seven ways why, and how, astute […]

Landlords, Get the Best from Your Letting Agent by following These Simple Steps

If you’re a landlord looking to save time and money (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), a good letting agent can be a game-changer. They’ll manage your rental property day to day (so you’re free to focus on your other responsibilities), regularly check in with your tenants (to ensure there are no issues) and remind […]

How to Protect Your Rental from This Common Cause of Property Damage

What’s the most common reason for landlords finding themselves in hot water and needing to make an insurance claim? The answer, according to one insurance company* at least, is ‘escape of water’. This term covers everything from burst pipes and defective washing machines to leaky loos and dripping taps. In a recent report, the firm […]

What Landlords Need to Know about Making Tax Digital

Did you know that HMRC plans to introduce new rules on how landlords file their tax returns? Here’s an update on what these changes involve and a timeline for when they’ll come into force. Making Tax Digital (MTD) is an initiative designed to streamline the tax system by fully digitising it. As MTD has been […]

Managing and Reducing Void Periods

Owning a rental property isn’t just about what happens while tenants are in place; effectively managing periods when your property is unoccupied is equally important. Every landlord faces void periods as a natural part of property letting, making it essential to prepare financially and strategically to manage its impact. Void periods mean not only the […]

Mistakes Landlords Need to Avoid when Letting their Property

Being a landlord is rewarding, but it comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. Over the years, we’ve seen and helped solve most of the mistakes landlords can make. To help you navigate this complex terrain, here are the five most common mistakes we’ve encountered and how to avoid them, ensuring a more […]